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4.890 kr
  • Gefur infrarautt ljós A og B
  • Hitar djúpt í vöðvann á dýrunum
  • tekur lítið rafmagn
  • virkar fyrir dimmer
  • löng og góð ending á þessum perum
  • Nánari útskýring á ensku fyrir neðan myndbönd



Útskýring á hitaperum

kynning á Arcadia perum

nánar um perur


Efni á ensku:

The revolutionary Arcadia Deep Heat Projector uses cutting edge technology to produce the most natural and effective wavelengths of Infra-Red.

These are "Infra-Red-A" and "Infra-Red-B". Infra-red-A and infra-red-B provide heat deep within the muscle tissues, warming the animal throughout just as it would in the wild.

This is the warm tingly feeling that you experience when you walk out into natural sunlight. Having an internal reflector means far less of the heat is wasted. It also heats up very quickly, reaching target basking temperature in a fraction of the usual time.

The Arcadia Deep Heat Projector produces virtually no visible light and can be used throughout the day and night.Reptiles associate heat with high levels of light in the day, as such The Arcadia Reptile Deep Heat Projector is ideal for use alongside Arcadia Reptile UVB systems and Arcadia Jungle Dawn LED plant growth systems.

The Deep Heat Projector should be used with a dimming thermostat which will provide you with accurate control of your thermogradient.



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