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HabiStat snáka/eðlu búr

0 kr

Gullfalleg búr fyrir snáka og eðlur frá Arkadia

koma í 2 litum og kemur samsett

Þessi búr eru alltaf sérpöntun hjá okkur

gert er ráð fyrir 30% óafturkræfanlegri innágreiðslu fyrir allar sérpantanir,

áætlaður sendingartími er um 3 vikur Endilega hafið samband við okkur fyrir nákvæm verð og tímasetningu á ( infodyragardurinn@gmail.com )


Video 1 - Hvernin á að setja ljós á búrin

Video 2 - Hvernin á að koma hitanemum fyrir í búri sem hefur mottu

upplýsingablað - hvernin á að setja hitamottu í búrið ofl.

Nánari upplýsingar á ensku hér að neðan:


- Ideal for housing Snakes, terrestrial Geckos and many more species
- Quick and easy to set up
- Offset ventilation holes, crucial for ensuring correct airflow
- Hinged lid, with secure clip locks, for easy access and cleaning
- Available in Oak or Black


The HabiStat Terrainium is ideal for housing hatchling and fully grown Snakes, such as Corn Snakes, terrestrial Geckos and many more species.

Quick and easy to set up, the HabiStat Terrainium has a glass front and top panel to allow for good natural lighting and easy viewing.

A double layered glass base makes it easy to install a heat mat (sold separately) and an insulating layer of polystyrene below the glass base ensures the heat is projected into the Terrainium.

Offset ventilation holes on both sides ensure the air is circulated correctly and there is no need for any drilling as the Terrainium is fitted with a rubber grommet in the rear to insert the thermostat probe.

Opening from the top for easy access and cleaning, the Terrainium has secure clip lock catches on the lid to ensure there are no escapees! 

To set up:
- Slide the heat mat between the two panes of glass at the back of the tank and attach it to the thermostat (sold separately)
- Insert the thermostat probe via a grommet at the back of the Terrainium
- Plug it in and set up the Terrainium according to your animal's needs.

Available in four sizes in an Oak or Black finish:
L46 x D29 x H15cm (18 x 11.5 x 6")
L61 x D38 x H20cm (24 x 15 x 8")
L76 x D38 x H20cm (30 x 15 x 8")
L90 x D38 x H20cm (36 x 15 x 8") 
All measurements are length x depth x height. 

Delivered built.




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